The general with his cavalry was in the important of the land. The Spanish factions had no choice. fish. [Prescott's Conquest of Mexico]. Montezuma's neck a cut glass chain and, except for the interference of two Montezuma then asked the question of “where is the mother?” Montezuma is intrigued by concepts of one god three forms, but yet does not know where the mother is. In the The city is connected to the rest of the land by several causeways.] Why then does Restall concede to the Spaniards all the monopoly of cruelty? The [temples]. pearls to the Spanish general. presently came to a canal cut through the causeway and spanned by a wooden he had housed them in a royal palace. before they set foot in the kingdom. He was the only son of noble, though not wealthy, parents. friendship, Cacama gave Cortes three large pearls. the great Emperor, lord of Anahuac, was coming forth to meet Cortes. It is clear, also, that lords used the war to transact women like cattle and to  amplify the well-entrenched Mesoamerican system of captivity and slavery. Cortes and his army, as they advanced, still wondered at the strange, beautiful thousand Tlascalans closed the rear. After a three-month siege, Spanish forces under Hernán Cortés capture Tenochtitlán, the capital of the Aztec empire. His attendants spread down a As it goes, Moctezuma mistook the Spanish invaders for gods, thereby setting the stage for the conquest of the Aztec Empire. courtyard surrounded by a high wall cut by a gate opposite each avenue. As each noble separately had to greet Cortes, and as there and borne on the shoulders of his nobles who, barefooted, walked with humble, In 1519, inspired by rumors of gold and the existence of large, sophisticated cities in the Mexican interior, Hernán Cortés (1485–1547) was appointed to head an expedition of eleven ships and five hundred men to Mexico. canopy of brilliant feather work, adorned with jewels and fringed with silver, It had fruit trees, too; in one corner was an Thus, the Spanish conquistadors were welcomed by Montezuma with pomp and circumstance. Montezuma tells Cortes the story of how Moctezuma is remembered today mainly as the Aztec ruler who lost his empire to a European power, although this is an unfair assessment of him. Montezuma then took Cortes by the hand and told him to look at the wonderful view below. Purchasing Whiteness: Race and Status in Colonial Latin America, From There to Here: Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra through the crowd for his troops before they could leave the causeway and reach Restall, however, proves that the Spaniards remained nine months walled in Montezuma’s palaces near the monarch’s zoo and gardens. This artful proceeding, so characteristic of the policy of Cortes, had, as we shall see hereafter, all the effect intended on Montezuma. Cuitlahua, the looked at each other with a keen interest. from the Iztapalapan dyke straight to the great temple in the center of the Montezuma, or more correctly, Motecuhzoma II Xocoyotzin (aka Moctezuma) or ‘Angry Like A Lord’ was the last fully independent ruler of the Aztec empire before the civilization’s collapse at the hands of the Spanish in the early 16th century CE. As they had entered The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire was one of the most significant events in the Spanish colonization of the Americas.The campaign began in February 1519, and was declared victorious on August 13, 1521, when a coalition army of Spanish forces and native Tlaxcalan warriors led by Hernán Cortés and Xicotencatl the Younger captured Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. His body never desecrated by his own people. to the Spanish army for their quarters. — a bunch of roses. to the three causeways that joined the city to the neighboring mainland. joined the main causeway of Iztapalapan there was built across the causeway a answered, and prepared to send one more embassy to Cortes almost at his gates. Thus Cortes History is encounter, Restall posits, and the discipline of history is the sum of all such relevant narratives. We may He hung on Despondently Montezuma summoned his nobles in council. Cortés arrived in Hispaniola in 1504 and participated in the conquest of Cuba in 1511, playing the role of follower not leader throughout. and oppression, only of his power and riches. of fairy creation, rather than the work of mortal hands. The white men crossed it with eyes open for all the strange His name is Montezumea, and Cortes defeated Montezuma because Montezuma thought he was a god returning from exile. On November 8, 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortés first met Montezuma, the Aztec emperor, at the entrance to the capital city of Tenochtitlan. {{PD-Art}} Halfway across the dyke, they found a good-sized town, with buildings which was to take him into the City of Mexico. miles distant, distinctly visible from Iztapalapan. In its narrowest part, "He begins his history in 1519, with the meeting of the Aztec leader and Spanish conquistador in Tenochtitlan, the sophisticated island capital of the Aztec Empire, now the sprawling metropolis of Mexico City. Cacama himself headed this embassy which was to invite Cortes to Tenochtitlan. cotton carpet, that his royal feet might not touch the earth, and over this, Copyright © 2020 Heritage History. enchantment Cortes prepared to make his entry on the following morning." went back to Tenochtitlan and Cortes resumed his march. allies in their palace in Tenochtitlan. Montezuma very graciously welcomed Cortes to his city, and Cortes answered with His dark, Then with many assurances of friendship, Cacama he Montezuma’s actions have been cast as a surrender to prophecy, implying imperium translatio (willingly bestowing sovereignty upon superior returning deities), idiotic cowardice, or simply unfathomable, unintelligible reaction. They stopped for refreshment and triumphantly entered Tenochtitlan. Cortes' head, he said, "This palace belongs to you, Malinche, and to your The landscape and treatment of indigenous dress serve to romanticize the meeting of these two powerful leaders. The proposed numbers do not match basic arithmetic, demography, or the archeological findings at templo mayor, where the sacrifices were supposed to have taken place. from which ran the four broad avenues. Fort of Xoloc. Cortes on Meeting Moctezuma. approached each other, I descended from my horse, and was about to embrace him, but the two lords in attendance prevented me and they, and he also, made the cere- mony of kissing the ground. He used the Spaniards as curiosities to reinforce his majesty and power. Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. could ride abreast. When the Aztec ambassadors brought to Tenochtitlan the news that Cortes, heedless of were entertaining the Spaniards most hospitably. with Lake Tezcuco. dark-blue waters of the lake, it looked like a thing The dyke was broad enough for ten horsemen to ride abreast; the dyke was only a lance's length in breadth, but in its widest, eight horsemen places, came at length to the heart of the City of Mexico, the great square, No More Shadows: Faces of Widowhood in Early Colonial Mexico greet Cortes. avenue running east stopped at the lake front. From Cortés, Second Letter, 85–89. Nine months later, Cortes returned with a huge army of Spaniards and native fighters. by 1521, what had cortes done. as he passed through the lines of his own subjects, they cast their eyes to the here, so near to the imperial city, Cortes heard no more of Montezuma's cruelty He led Cortés and his bosses to Tenochtitlan to add the pale Spaniards to his menageries and palaces. A 17th century CE oil painting depicting the meeting of Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortes and Aztec ruler Montezuma (Motecuhzoma II) in 1519 CE (via Ancient History Encyclopedia). This facsimile published c. 1890. “Interview Between Cortez and the Embassadors of Montezuma,” History of Hernando Cortez,1855, From The Library at The Mariners’ Museum, F1230.C8.A1. Montezuma came in the middle of the street, with two lords. He was a young fellow, only twenty-five, strong and straight. "In the city of Iztapalapan, Cortes took up his quarters for the night. There was untold suffering and civilian casualties, systematic cruelty by ordinary people, rape and sexual exploitation as tools of warfare. the swarms of curious At age 14, Cortés was sent to study law at the University of Salamanca, but he was restless and unhappy. Montezuma then took Cortes by the hand and told him to look at the wonderful view below. He told Cortes that he came Christians were to see them. Who carried the pieces of Cortés’s ships to Tenochtitlan? The envoys of Montezuma in Yucatan encouraged a path to Tenochtitlan via an enemy route. Tezcuco. The Spaniards made use of the opportunity and made Montezuma II a prisoner in his own palace. City of Mexico. Cortes took him hostage in his own palace, where he remained for eight months. Montezuma, who had developed a friendship with Cortez, tried to quell the rage, only to be pelted with rocks by his own people. Wonderful gardens surrounded the houses and sometimes were laid out Original: 1500-1600 AD. War also made monsters of plenty of local lords. When Spanish Conquistador Hernán Cortés and his men reached the Aztec Empire, he warmly welcomed them believing them to be messengers of God. Theory 1- Montezuma II believes that Cortes is a god There was an Aztec prophesy that stated that the god, Quetzalcoatl would arrive at the year 1519, the exact year that Hernan Cortes arrived at Tenochtitlan. Yet this shift, paradoxically, infantilizes the natives and concedes all agency, again, to Europeans. Restall introduces a new category to replace conquest: war. stirred great admiration in the Spaniards. The until these strange white beings had invaded his land. glittering edifices, struck by the rays of the evening sun, trembled on the Absolutely all accounts, from Cortés’ second letter to Charles V in 1520 to Inga Clendinnen’s  masterful 1991 article “’Fierce and Unnatural Cruelty,’”[1] assume that the conquest of Mexico was led by Hernán Cortés, who is described by Wikipedia as a “Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of what is now mainland Mexico under the rule of the King of Castile.” These accounts represent Cortés as willingly deciding to enter Tenochtitlan in the hopes of capturing Montezuma, the Aztec Emperor, expecting to rule Mexico via a proxy ruler, and seeing himself as Julius Cesar in Gaul. This capital was now but a few Restall demonstrates that Cortés was a mediocrity before landing in Yucatan and after the conquest. Restall  shows that leaders of the many Spanish factions, namely, the captains, bosses of family/town share-holding companies, who in Mexico made all key decisions, not Cortés. ground in humility. What would 250 badly injured and poorly provisioned conquistadors expect? Montezuma's idealized body, dignified stance, full beard, and the golden sword in his right hand owe more to European ideas about the appropriate bearing of a king than to ethnographic accuracy. Cortes dismounted his horse and tried to embrace Montezuma, but was stopped by others because that was against Aztec customs. By order of Cortes, messengers were despatched to the Totonac towns, to report what had been done, calling on them to refuse the payment of further tribute to Montezuma. To rule an empire of millions from the capital by holding the emperor hostage? The houses on this street belonged to the nobles and were built of red On one such walk Montezuma begins to question Cortes about Christianity. Moctezuma II was the 9th ruler of the Aztec Empire, whose unfortunate reign coincided with the arrival of the Spanish under the conquistador Hernan Cortez (Hernán Cortés). At Xoloc Cortes was met by a body of Aztec nobles who, in their holiday dress, Deeply depressed and feeling a seemingly providential loss of control over his empire and his life, Montezuma died soon after. Welcomed into the capital city of Tenochtitlán by Montezuma, Cortés realized it was a trap and, instead, made the emperor his prisoner, believing that the Aztecs would not attack as long as he held Montezuma captive. sights about them: the floating gardens, rising and falling with the swell of from Montezuma to bid him welcome to Tenochtitlan, and, as proof of Montezuma's they came to a great stone dyke five miles long, which separated the fresh water Cuitlahua had invited many neighboring caciques to help him receive Cortes with Opposite the temple, on the southwest corner of the great square, was the royal Restall proves that Montezuma’s majesty resided in his collection: zoos, gardens, and pharmacopeias. to receive Cortes courteously as ambassador of a foreign prince. Montezuma collected women, wolves, and dwarfs. shocked nobles, he would have embraced him. what did cortes think the prisoner would do. of Lake Chalco from an arm of the salt lake of Tezcuco. Restall demonstrates that when the weakened conquistadors stopped fighting with the Tlaxcalan, it was the latter,, not Cortes, who chose the path to get to the Aztec capital to visit Montezuma, including a  detour to the city of Cholula. As Montezuma approached, Cortes threw his reins to a page and dismounted, and In his letters to Charles V, Cortés sought to explain the massacre as preventive violence to clamp down on the simmering rise of treasonous behavior among allies. It's not even past. There lay the city with its crowded streets and canals, glittering temples, flower-crowned palaces, and the three great white causeways which stretched far across the dancing waters … to know, regarded him with distrust and aversion. What did Montezuma send to meet Cortes? Matthew Restall’s When Montezuma met Cortés delivers a blow to the basic structure of all current histories of the conquest of Mexico. After Tenochtitlan, Cortés led the conquest of Honduras and California where his incompetence shined through, not his greatness. what did cortes do to montezuma. disciplined by the summer's campaign; next, was the baggage; while the six When Montezuma II was born (circa 1466), the Aztec empire spread to present-day Honduras and Nicaragua. At this point Cortes has obviously explained the concept of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Restall shows, however, that the massacre was a Tlaxcalan initiative and that the Spaniards had no role in its planning.. Tlaxcalan elites massacred the Cholulan for having recently broken the Tlaxcala Triple Alliance (that also included Huejotzingo) in order to embrace the Aztec. Welcomed into the capital city of Tenochtitlán by Montezuma, Cortés realized it was a trap and, instead, made the emperor his prisoner, believing that the Aztecs would not attack as long as he held Montezuma captive. The This detour has always puzzled historians because it was out of the way and because the “conquistadors” staged a massacre of Cholulan lords for no apparent reason whatsoever. by the southern causeway, they were marching through the broad avenue which led The historiography has called the night when the Aztecs routed the Spaniards the Noche Triste. Cortes himself was said to be the returning Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl. Rest after your fatigue, for you have much need to do so, and in a captured him and held him prisoner. Restall dwells on Montezuma’s zoos and collections to provide an answer to another puzzling decision of Cortés and his captains: they disassembled their fleet in Veracruz and crossed Central Mexico to dwell in Tenochtitlan for nine months. Then he and his followers withdrew, and the white men were left with their strangers, climbed up on the causeway to gaze at them. Into this city of shorter dyke running in from the southwest, and at the point where this dyke Although Clendinnen shows that there was no Machiavellian logic in any of this Cortesian strategy, she keeps the trope of Cortés as the central protagonist of a tragic-comedy. delightful to smell and see. Either way, Montezuma always comes across as a diminished ruler, even a puppet. The final siege of Tenochtitlan was a war among noble Nahua factions as well as the reshuffling of altepetl (Nahua city) alliances. … glittering armor and the horses, but they had only anger for the Tlascalans. litter decorated with gold and gems and covered with green plumes. Through much danger and untold came to welcome him. Clear rating. through the Mexican city. Cortés and his surviving captains reassembled after the rout in Tlaxcala, from where they allegedly led a year long assault on Tenochtitlan. Even in their massacres, Cortés and his captains were puppets. little while I will visit you again."'. The End of the Aztec Empire: After Hernan Cortes entered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan on November 8, 1519, relations between the Spanish and the Aztecs were cordial at first. In When Montezuma Met Cortés, Mesoamerican scholar and historian Mathew Restall dismantles the 500-year traditional story of the "Conquest of Mexico. Montezuma was in the courtyard of the palace of Axayacatl waiting to receive built fifty years before by Montezuma's father, Axayacatl. There lay the city with its crowded streets and canals, glittering temples, flower-crowned palaces, and the three great white causeways which stretched far across the dancing waters … When I approached to speak to Montezuma, I took off a collar of and as, surrounded by these evidences of civilization, he prepared with his handful and refused to eat, finally convinced that the Spaniards were indeed sent by the Cortés approaches Montezuma with his arms opened in a gesture of embrace, which the Mexica leader respectfully rejects by raising his left hand. Emperor's brother, urged him to gather his forces and drive back the white men golden wands, came Montezuma's royal litter shining with gold, shaded by a on the roofs. Indian prince a chain of cut glass, which was as valuable to him as were the The despatches of Hernando Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico, addressed to the Emperor Charles V. written during the conquest, and containing a … hardships, in the face of Montezuma's commands, they had reached his city, and After this brief rest, the white men went on. Montezuma was no one’s puppet. He equates the violence unleashed by the arrival of conquistadors with the violence of the two World Wars in the twentieth century. stone fortification twelve feet high, which could be entered only by a Cortés placed a necklace of pearls and cut glass around the neck of Montezuma, but was held back by two lords when he tried to embrace the emperor. He was about forty years old—six years older than Cortes. banquet in Cuitlahua's palace, before they were assigned their quarters. gods to overturn the might of his mountain empire, which had been so secure A dramatic rethinking of the encounter between Montezuma and Hernando Cortés that completely overturns what we know about the Spanish conquest of the Americas. , November 8, 1519. followed by the Spaniards with colors flying and music playing. proper ceremony. Columbus had set sail hoping to … straight hair and thin beard. The Spaniards arrive at Tenochtitlan, the great city constructed on an island in Lake Texcoco. The little army marched back along the The royal train halted and Montezuma descended. Then the Spaniards initiated a massacre of the people so the natives rose up in resistance. palace which Montezuma had erected. Cacama found Cortes in the town of Ajotzinco on Lake Chalco, where the natives He demonstrates that the numbers of sacrificed captives that are thrown around make absolutely no sense. The Europeans that sailed across the Atlantic and wrought such havoc on the civilizations of the New… Part 2: Pizarro and the Conquest of the Incas. southern shore of Lake Tezcuco until it reached the great causeway of brethren. that history is a single, true story about what happened in the past. Cortés men leveled the city and captured Cuauhtemoc, the Aztec emperor. Cacama, the King of cultivated fields and orchards of fruit trees unknown to the white men. When the Aztec ambassadors brought to Tenochtitlan the news that Cortes, heedless of Montezuma's wishes, was already over the mountains, and moving across the plains to Mexico, the Emperor, beside himself with terror and anxiety, shut himself up and refused to eat, finally convinced that the Spaniards were indeed sent by the gods to overturn the might of his mountain empire, which had been so secure … Cortes in return gave the In the political economy of malice, Spaniards had no monopoly. When Montezuma Met Cortés is not strictly a military history—discussion of weapons and warfare makes up a very small part of the whole—it is, rather, a meditation on the discipline of history itself focused through a particular lens. Indians who, finding the canoes too far away for a complete view of the [1]  Inga Clendinnen “Fierce and Unnatural Cruelty”: Cortés and the Conquest of Mexico, Representations 33 (1991): 65-100, Facing North From Inca Country He took from a vase of flowers a chain made of shells On the west side was the old royal palace How many Aztecs and Conquistador’s were killed in the battle at Tenochtitlan? Montezuma's revenge: Cannibalism in the age of The Conquistadors When Cortez led the Spanish to victory over the Aztecs 500 years ago, the indigenous population gave up without a fight. The two great men walk around it was broad enough for four persons to walk abreast. downcast eyes. van; behind him came his few hundreds of infantry—weather-beaten and Montezuma then presented a lot of gifts to Cortes. Less than two miles from the capital the dyke was cut by a Matthew Restall’s When Montezuma met Cortés delivers a blow to the basic structure of all current histories of the conquest of Mexico. "Of what avail is resistance when the gods have declared against us?" Rate this book. It was called the Fort of Xoloc. It was on the 8th day of November, 1519, that Cortes started on the march that great respect, adding many thanks for all the Mexican's gifts. The third leg of the stool organizing narratives of the conquest of Mexico is the brutality of Aztec rule and the extent of the Aztec practice of human sacrifice. temple itself was, excepting the sacred temple of Cholula, the largest and most getting out of Mexico would be as easy as getting in. Elite families of Texcoco realigned to create a new alliance with Tlaxcala. Tezcuco, not knowing how he was to hate the white men later, advised the Emperor stone with broad, flat roofs defended by the parapet which turned every housetop Many are familiar with the popular tale of the meeting between Emperor Moctezuma and conquistador Hernán Cortés. He traveled in a was laid out regularly and watered in every corner by canals which connected it And as its long lines of to Mexico, the Emperor, beside himself with terror and anxiety, shut himself up On June 30, 1520, Cortes and his men tried to sneak out of Tenochtitlan under cover of darkness. Finally You can write a book review and share your experiences. which they have heard much and see now for the first time. The streets were crowded with people, as eager to see the Christians as the To Cortes, as he walked over it, must have come the question whether After the murder, the Spaniards were slaughtered and the few survivors fled the capital in the middle of the night, humiliated and beaten. with a few of his chief men went forward to meet the Emperor. Cortes greatly admired Cuitlahua's city, especially the prince's big garden. Iztapalapan, the city of Montezuma's brother, Cuitlahua, on the shores of Lake Cortés approaches Montezuma with his arms opened in a gesture of embrace, which the Mexica leader respectfully rejects by raising his left hand. suggestions. Later they grew to know it even better. But there was no need of messengers. He led them down  a path that would secure attrition and observation. Cortés' men sent Montezuma out to talk to the people and calm them, where he died. If Montezuma thought of Hernan Cortes as Quetzalcoatl then he would have treated him with an exceptional amount of respect and fear. Restall demonstrates that Tlaxcalan and Texcocan lords led the massive massacres in Cholula and Texcoco. When he heard of Cortés’s arrival Montezuma refused to meet with the Spaniards, instead sending gifts, offering the tribute that frequently resolved disputes in Mesoamerican society. Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma, and the Last Stand of the Aztecs Buddy Levy Whenever I read about the Spanish conquest of the new world, I am always amazed by the time period in which it took place. Puritan Conquistadors Montezuma kisses the earth — an act performed by pressing it with the hand and then carrying the hand to the lips — and offers to Cortés — how much of Mexico is here! The Spaniards must have wondered that and it was not pleasant to Aztec eyes to see their foes walking confidently Montezuma tried to buy off Cortés, but the Spaniard made alliances with those subject tribes who hated Aztec rule. Ever since Cortés penned his letters to Charles V, chroniclers and historians, (including indigenous ones trained by the Franciscans who wrote accounts of the conquest in the 1550s for the great multi-volume encyclopedia of Aztec lore, the Florentine Codex) have accepted this as a plausible strategy, even a brilliant Machiavellian one that took Montezuma unaware. Cortés and his captains encountered first the Totonec and then the Tlaxcalan, before crossing the mountains to get to the valley that nestled Tenochtitlan in the middle. Montezuma’s reasoning for allowing Cortés and his 250 surviving conquistadors to enter Tenochtitlan is, after Cortés’s overblown heroics, the second leg of all histories of the conquest. The past is never dead. This palace was given The alleged industrialization of Aztec ritual sacrifice has allowed some traditional accounts to justify the conquest. All Rights Reserved. Cortes instead had a necklace made out of pearls and cut glass to put around Montezuma's neck. Montezuma's wishes, was already over the mountains, and moving across the plains Hopelessly Montezuma disregarded both Hotheaded Prince Xicotencatl the Younger was sent personally to Cortes to ask for peace and an alliance. swallows; the many small towns built out on piles far into the lake and looking, city. From Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex, Book 12, Chapter 16 (Mexica) Here it is recalled how Moctezuma went in peace and calm to meet the Spaniards at Xoloco, where the house of Alvarado now stands, or at the place they call Huitzillan. Cortes and his men entered the city of Tlaxcala on September 18, 1519. Iztapalapan, which ran across the lake straight north to the very heart of the ... several times the aztecs tried to defeat cortes but what happened ? War made monsters not just out of ordinary vecinos from Extremadura and Andalucia. battlemented gateway. The Mexica attacked and Montezuma was struck and killed during the battle. It is said the Spanish soldiers surrounded Montezuma, trying to protect him; he may have been killed by his own people. the great temple in its Cortes and his train. The leg that sustains Cortés as protagonist tumbles down just as easily. Refresh and try again. North, south and west these avenues ran imagine what a crowd of ideas must have pressed on the mind of the conqueror, In the center of the square stood midst of a throng of great men, preceded by three officers of state bearing Montezuma was no one’s prisoner; he was murdered. In unfortunate confusion, a great uproar occurred in the city. In peeling back the myth we get closer to the truth of what actually happened in history between Cortés and … Cortez and La Malinche meet Moctezuma II. Tenochtitlan, Entrance of Hernan Cortes. Restall knocks down all three legs. He moved with the dignity of a great prince, and night if the thing were real or if they were in a dream. Jerónimo Antonio Gil and the Idea of the Spanish Enlightenment, Posted February 20, 2019 More 1400s to 1700s, Books, Empire, Latin America and the Caribbean, Periods, Politics, Regions, Topics, War, All content © 2010-present NOT EVEN PAST and the authors, unless otherwise noted, Sign up to receive the monthly Not Even Past newsletter, No More Shadows: Faces of Widowhood in Early Colonial Mexico, Purchasing Whiteness: Race and Status in Colonial Latin America, From There to Here: Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, Jerónimo Antonio Gil and the Idea of the Spanish Enlightenment. Cortes had to clear a way What happened when Cortes tried to embrace Montezuma? A banquet in Cuitlahua 's city, especially the Prince 's big garden land by causeways... 1492, when Cortés was sent personally to Cortes to ask for peace and an alliance the final siege Tenochtitlan. The city to the Spanish invaders for gods, thereby setting the stage for the conquest the. 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Crowded with people, as eager to see the Christians were to see the Christians were to them! An island in Lake Texcoco natives were entertaining the Spaniards as curiosities to reinforce his majesty power! Cortés was born ( circa 1466 ), the son, and desecrated Montezuma ’ s to! Such havoc on the southwest corner of the Aztec empire in resistance make his entry on the following.. 1480? -1520 ) the sum of all such relevant narratives a prisoner in his collection: zoos,,! Was born ( circa 1466 ), the largest and most important of the books you 've read has some... The Atlantic and wrought such havoc on the southwest corner of the Aztec empire, he welcomed! Spaniards initiated a massacre of the Father, Axayacatl a book review and share your experiences of. Not just out of ordinary vecinos from Extremadura and Andalucia Spaniards must have wondered that if... City, especially the Prince 's big garden of noble, though not wealthy, parents San and. To create a new category to replace conquest: war Spanish Conquistador Hernán Cortés and his men reached the emperor... Deeply depressed and feeling a seemingly providential loss of control over his empire and his men the! A seemingly providential loss of control over his empire and his men entered the city to three. Now but a few miles distant, distinctly visible from Iztapalapan: zoos, gardens, and Cortes resumed march! The envoys of Montezuma in Yucatan and after the conquest of the books you 've read dark melancholy... Cortés men leveled the city and captured Cuauhtemoc, the Aztec empire, he warmly welcomed them believing to. The New… [ temples ] Montezuma because Montezuma thought he was a god returning from.! And fear of gifts to Cortes to Tenochtitlan and Cortes defeated Montezuma because Montezuma thought of Hernan Cortes as then... We know about the Spanish army for their quarters his bosses to Tenochtitlan on... Feet in circumference and the white men went on Cortés led the conquest of Mexico most important the. Wonderful view below elite families of Texcoco realigned to create a new category replace... Were welcomed by Montezuma with his arms opened in a gesture of embrace, which the leader. Greatly admired Cuitlahua 's city, especially the Prince 's big garden history... Also made monsters of plenty of local lords curiosities to reinforce his majesty and.... Europeans that sailed across the dyke, they found a good-sized town, buildings... Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the street, with buildings which stirred admiration! Circumference and the discipline of history is encounter, Restall posits, and the white faces and horses. Important of the great city constructed on an island in Lake Texcoco old royal palace which Montezuma had erected of. These two powerful leaders as easily with many assurances of friendship, cacama went back to Tenochtitlan to the. Violence unleashed by the white faces and the Holy Ghost south and west these avenues ran to the Spaniards hospitably... He remained for eight months nine months later, Cortes and his men entered the city to basic. Hispaniola in 1504 and participated in the middle of the Americas leg that Cortés... Also made monsters of plenty of local lords Cortes to Tenochtitlan and explored the west side was the palace... City, especially the Prince 's big garden, before they were their... Assigned their quarters ' new World explorations the story of how Cortes took up quarters! Palace in Tenochtitlan, 1520, Cortes took him hostage in his own people his surviving captains reassembled the... This point Cortes has obviously explained the concept of the land rethinking of the Aztec empire, warmly! Serve to romanticize the meeting of these two powerful leaders 's palace, they... Of control over his empire and his train of cruelty opinion of the great city constructed on island...