FGT 706; NGMPP E2518/10, L12/2. This section is not quoted in the catalogue of the Tucci Tibetan Collection. FGT 657/4 = rGod tshang ras chen (1482–1559). “The Aural Transmission of Saṃvara and Ras chung pa’s Legacy.” PhD Diss., Università di Torino. "Unacknowledged" focuses on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced-and why. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. 2004. 2000. “From Manuscript to Block Printing: In the Search of Stylistic Models for the Identification of Tibetan Xylographs.” Rivista degli Studi Orientali 84: 51–66. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute. "A Defence of Poetry" is an essay by the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, written in 1821 and first published posthumously in 1840 in Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments by Edward Moxon in London. 1a–170a). Xylograph kept in the Tucci Tibetan Collection, IsIAO Library, Rome (ff. 13  On the sponsors of this project, see Clemente 2014b; Clemente (in press a); Diemberger and Clemente 2013, 127–31. 190b–193a). Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. On this work, see also Clemente 2014a; Ehrhard 2000d; Ehrhard 2013; Ricciardi and Pallipurath 2014; Ricciardi and Pallipurath (this volume). FGT 286/2; NGMPP L755/4–L756/1. Microfilm kept at the National Archives, Kathmandu, (ff. Providing a link to the imperial period seen as a golden age of Tibetan Buddhism before the fragmentation began in the 9th century, this collection is considered a treasure text (gter ma). NGMPP E908/3 = rJe ras chung pa’i rnam thar mdor bsdus. undertaken in Central Tibet at the same time. On this work, see also Clemente (in press c); Ehrhard 2000a: 104–14; Ehrhard 2000c, IX. FGT 586 = sDe snod ’dzin pa Ngag dbang Chos kyi grags pa (1572–1641). Several times during The Square, Jehane Noujaim's account of Egypt's unfinished revolution, the camera gazes down on Tahrir Square, teeming … The first part of the book centers on migration of ideas across cultures on the Continent, Scotland, and Ireland, particularly among intellectuals and through print. Xylograph kept in the Tucci Tibetan Collection, IsIAO Library, Rome (ff. 1) An increase in the spread of works and the consequent decrease of their loss; 2) A rapid spread of ideas; 3) The emergence of certain works as classics; 4) An improvement in the continuity of transmission of texts; 5) A facilitation in accessing textual resources; 6) A contribution to the creation of shared standards and editing criteria; 7) A contribution to the rise of certain religious schools through the sponsorship of its masters, lineages and works; ———. 1990. 2011b. Ed. mTshan ldan bla ma dam pa mnyam med chos dbang rgyal mtshan gyi rnam par thar pa / rin po che nor bu’i phreng ba. 61  Cf. They range from 1559 to 1561. FGT 657/6; NGMPP L456/7. 2; Sernesi 2011a: 191–92, 197–98; Sernesi (forthcoming). Xylograph kept in the Tucci Tibetan Collection, IsIAO Library, Rome (ff. Eds. NGMPP L194/9 = lHa btsun Rin chen rnam rgyal (1473–1557). Ever since then, historians have been indebted to Gutenberg's invention; print enters their work from start to finish, from consulting card-files to reading page-proofs. 1998. NGMPP AT61/21[2] = bTsun pa Chos legs (1437–1521). Xylograph kept at the Tucci Tibetan Collection, IsIAO Library, Rome, (ff. NGMPP L569/10. 124a–246a). “New Discoveries in Early Tibetan Printing History.” In Tibetan Printing: Comparisons, Continuities, and Change. 1a–214b). There is often a direct transfer from xylography to digital technologies, which shows how successful this technique was in the country. 1. 1976. 1954. Grub thob gling ras kyi rnam mgur mthong ba don ldan (not before 1525 not after 1557, biography with songs, bka’ brgyud pa).37 2. 3, f. 559. FGT 671/1 = ’Ba’ ra ba rGyal mtshan dpal bzang (1310–1391). "Unacknowledged" focuses on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced-and why. Centred on the cult of Avalokiteśvara, the Maṇi bka’ ’bum provides a number of legendary biographies of Srong btsan sgam po and Avalokiteśvara, the former considered to be an emanation of the latter. NGMPP L581/4 = ’Gro ba’i mgon po gtsang pa rgya ras kyi mgur ’bum rgyas pa. Microfilm kept at the National Archives, Kathmandu (ff. On this work, see also De Rossi Filibeck 2003, 335; Ehrhard 2000a, 45 n. 38, 61–63. The best evidence for extraterrestrial contact, dating back decades, is presented with direct top-secret witness testimony, documents and UFO footage, 80% of which has never been revealed anywhere else. ———. FGT 363/1. For a translation of this work, see Stearns 2000. NGMPP E2518/11 = Ko brag pa bSod nams rgyal mtshan (1170–1249). 85  Cf. Eds. Fortunately, relevant works are now surfacing thanks to the efforts of Tibetan organisations such as the dPal brtsegs Research Institute. 2007. New York: Columbia University Press. He began to work in the fourth Hor month of the Sheep Year, when he was 57, and finished on the fifteenth day of the fifth Hor month of the same year. FGT 707. .] 2009. See also Clemente 2015, 195. NGMPP E2518/6, L194/11 (some folios are difficult to read), L12/1 (it is difficult to read), L581/5 (it is incomplete, missing folios from 57 to 61). FGT 1102; NGMPP L237/13, L 456/6; U rgyan rdo rje 1976, 107–79. Sangs rgyas thams cad kyi rnam ’phrul rje btsun ti lo pa’i rnam mgur. Larsson, Stefan. Given this, I conclude this essay by quoting Elizabeth L. Eisenstein: While trying to cover this unfamiliar ground I discovered (as all neophytes do) that what seemed relatively simple on first glance became increasingly complex on examination and that new areas of ignorance opened up much faster than old ones could be closed (Eisenstein 1979, X). 6. “Editing and Publishing the Master’s Writings: The Early Years of rGod tshang ras chen (1482–1559).” In Editions, éditions: l’écrit au Tibet, évolution et devenir. For a translation of this work, see Guenther 1963. “What Do the Childhood and Early Life of Gtsang smyon Heruka tell Us about His Bka’ brgyud Affiliation?” In Mahāmudrā and the bKa’-brgyud Tradition. The xylograph of this text printed in 1521 in the royal palace spread its narrative widely. This area was politically important during the 13th and the 14th centuries, as a centre for Tibetan regional governance within the Sakya-Yuan imperial polity.5, 3  It seems relevant to underline that IsIAO is now under liquidation and its Library is not accessible anymore. NGMPP L969/4 = gTsang smyon Heruka (1452–1507). sKyes mchog gi rnam mgur chen mo’i dkyus na mi gsal ba’i gsang ba’i rnaṃ thar rags sdus shig. Königswinter 2006. NGMPP E2518/11, L970/2 (some folios are difficult to read) and L456/8 (it is difficult to read); dPal brtsegs, text no. 2) rDzong dkar/Khyung rdzong dkar po (in the capital of Gung thang): 13. “bKra shis ’od bar: On the History of the Religious Protector of the Bo dong pa.” In Tibetan Mountain Deities, Their Cults and Representations. Microfilm kept at the National Archives, Kathmandu (ff. Xylograph kept in the Tucci Tibetan Collection, IsIAO Library, Rome (ff. 1a–37a). Tibetan people are still printing texts with the xylographic technique, even though it has been increasingly superseded by movable type and digital. Rang byon jo bo ’phags pa wa ti bzang po’i rnam thar nyi ma’i dkyil ’khor. and remained since then a very popular text not only in monasteries but also among the laity. Considerations on early bKa’ brgyud hagiographical writings.” In Tīrthayātrā. See also Ehrhard 2000a, 55–66, 171–75; Sernesi 2013, 205. Check out this great listen on Audible.com. Hanna Havnevik and Charles Ramble, 185–200. On this work, see also De Rossi Filibeck 2003, 458–59; Ehrhard 2000a, 65, 162–64. ———. Eds. The most represented. 45  Cf. 1994. 96  Cf. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. NAK 743 no. Xylograph kept at the British Library, London (ff. NGMPP E2518/9, L456/5 (it has some dark folios), L970/6 (it has many dark folios). Also, the search for old prints has so far been difficult because of the type of texts – classical and famous – which did not attract the same attention as rare texts. Franz-Karl Ehrhard, and Petra Maurer, 119–42. Phyag rgya chen po’i khrid yig bzhugs // skal bzang gso ba’i bdud rtsi snying po bcud bsdus (1515, Mahāmudrā instructions, bo dong pa).90 2. dPal ldan bla ma dam pa chos legs mtshan can gyi rnam thar yon tan ’brug sgra (1525, biography, bo dong pa).91 Miraculous Journey. 47  Cf. Xylograph kept at the Tucci Tibetan Collection, IsIAO Library, Rome (ff. Eds. 2015. technology. In late June of 1947, three extraterrestrial craft were downed outside Roswell Air Force Base. 2014a. Grub thob gling ras kyi rnam mgur mthong ba don ldan. Ed. ———. Xylograph kept in the Tucci Tibetan Collection, IsIAO Library, Rome (ff. Unacknowledged is an anthology of testimonies about the existence of extra-terrestrials, secret reverse engineered technology and cover ups by the military and Intelligence community. 10  On this figure and his work, see Larsson 2009; Larsson 2011; Larsson 2012; Quintman 2006, chapt. 6) Glang phug (La ’de Valley): 2. Xylograph kept at the Tucci Tibetan Collection, IsIAO Library, Rome (ff. Because historians are usually eager to investigate major changes and this change transformed the conditions of their own craft, one would expect the shift to attract some attention from the profession as a whole. Eds. Shā kya’i dge slong rdo rje. Ed. 1a–180a). rNal ’byor dbang phyug lha btsun chos kyi rgyal po’i rnam thar gyi smad cha. Dkar rta so Xylographies. ” Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici 2: 121–60 byams-pa ’ s rnam.! Rje mgur drug sogs gsung rgyun thor bu ’ ga ’ yar ; De Rossi Filibeck 2003 132... 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