January 9 â The International Olympic Committee bans political gestures by athletes at the 2020 Summer Olympics. Healthcare, national security, guns and education are the most influential issues in the 2020 election. We receive over a million unique answers (and filter out multiple submissions) to our political issues survey per day and categorize the submissions by political affiliation, state, city, and referral website, as well as census data estimates by income, race, education, and household. Do you support President Obama’s move to lift the trade and travel embargo on Cuba? Should the IRS create a free electronic tax filing system? Should there be a temporary ban on all immigration into the United States? John Haltiwanger. The Top Issues for Voters in 2020 Statista 9/16/2020. AJC guide to top issues for the Georgia General Assembly in 2020, including the budget, gambling laws, seat-belt laws, regulation of senior care facilities, health ⦠8 key findings about Catholics and abortion. Choose an issue below to start exploring. Should the government fund the World Health Organization? PE 646.116 â January 2020 EN . Should police departments be allowed to use military grade equipment? Should foreigners, currently residing in the United States, have the right to vote? Should the U.S. accept refugees from Syria? The numbers are in: The past decade has been the warmest in recorded history. Should the government require businesses to pay salaried employees, making up to $46k/year, time-and-a-half for overtime hours? Should “gender identity” be added to anti-discrimination laws? Should funding for local police departments be redirected to social and community based programs? The nation has never seen an election like this. Should the federal government pay for tuition at four-year colleges and universities? Republicans lead on the economy; Democrats have advantages on climate, health, racial issues Should the government make cuts to public spending in order to reduce the national debt? No matter how atypical this year has turned out to be, votersâ top issues cover familiar ground. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main Do you support the killing of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani? We receive over a million unique answers (and filter out multiple submissions) to our political issues survey per day and categorize the submissions by political affiliation, state, city, and referral website, as well as census data estimates by income, race, education, and household. Free College and Student Debt Higher education could be a key voting issue. Should it be illegal to burn the American flag? Trade is expected to be a key policy issue heading into the 2020 presidential election. Do you support the use of hydraulic fracking to extract oil and natural gas resources? Should illegal immigrants have access to government-subsidized healthcare? Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World. Should Jerusalem be recognized as the capital of Israel? Should the NSA (National Security Agency) be allowed to collect basic metadata of citizen’s phone calls such as numbers, timestamps, and call durations? Should the government classify Bitcoin as a legal currency? Should the U.S. remain in the United Nations? Should immigrants to the United States be allowed to hold dual citizenship status? We receive over a million unique answers (and filter out multiple submissions) to our political issues survey per day and categorize the submissions by political affiliation, state, city, and referral website, as well as census data estimates by income, race, education, and household. Should teachers be allowed to carry guns at school? Big tax breaks, lower tax rates, bigger paychecks, bigger returns. Privacy • Should the U.S. government grant immunity to Edward Snowden? domestic and foreign issues). Should the federal government fund Universal preschool? Should the Federal Reserve Bank be audited by Congress? Should working illegal immigrants be given temporary amnesty? Here are the top 15 Best Political Sites based on popularity as derived from our eBizMBA Rank which is a continually updated average of each website's U.S. Traffic Rank from Quantcast and Global Traffic Rank from both Alexa and SimilarWeb. Are you in favor of decriminalizing drug use? Should businesses be required to provide paid leave for full-time employees during the birth of a child or sick family member? Do you support mandatory minimum prison sentences for people charged with drug possession? Should the government hire private companies to run prisons? "*#*" Denotes an estimate for sites with limited data. Lowest overall unemployment rate in decades, and the lowest unemployment rate for blacks EVER. It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. Will you get the Covid-19 vaccine once it is ready? Gambling-related issues are set to be one of the hottest topics at the state Capitol when lawmakers return to the Richmond next month to kick off the 2020 legislative session. Should the government increase spending on public transportation? Health care once again emerged as the single top issue for Democrats in Nevada in Saturday's caucuses -- though as in Iowa and New Hampshire, the vast majority of ⦠The economy is consistently a top voting issue. For example, AI has been deployed in ⦠Should women be allowed to wear a Niqāb, or face veil, to civic ceremonies? Should children of illegal immigrants be granted legal citizenship? Should the US increase or decrease the amount of temporary work visas given to high-skilled immigrant workers? Should the US have a mail-in ballot process for whole states in local, state, and federal elections? Should corporations, unions, and non-profit organizations be allowed to donate to political parties? Should the U.S. defend other NATO countries that maintain low military defense budgets relative to their GDP? ... Trump's fights with fellow Republicans have political consequences beyond 2020. And as has been the case for many years, more voters say the GOP could do a better job than the Democratic Party on terrorism (46% vs. 37%). Should the government decriminalize school truancy? Should the U.S. raise or lower the tax rate for corporations? Should pension payments be increased for retired government workers? Should the government increase funding for mental health research and treatment? About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Should researchers be allowed to use animals in testing the safety of drugs, vaccines, medical devices, and cosmetics? Should the government use economic stimulus to aid the country during times of recession? Should the government regulate social media sites, as a means to prevent fake news and misinformation? Before coronavirus, we expected 2020 to be a year when these MNCs would face calls for more action on social issues like climate change and the battle against poverty, all ⦠Do you support the use of nuclear energy? ... United Kingdom About Blog Technical Politics provides detailed analysis of political issues and looks to contribute to the discussion and analysis of public policy. Ten issues to watch in 2020. Should the government give tax credits and subsidies to the wind power industry? Should the U.S. conduct military strikes against North Korea in order to destroy their long-range missile and nuclear weapons capabilities? Should hate speech be protected by the first amendment? Should there be a 5-year ban on White House and Congressional officials from becoming lobbyists after they leave the government? In several states, they intend not only to restrict the procedure but to ban it entirely. Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their lives via assisted suicide? (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Should college sports be played in the fall of 2020? Should foreign lobbyists be allowed to raise money for American elections? Should marital rape be classified and punished as severely as non-marital rape? Do you support the legalization of Marijuana? In addition, the Democratic Party has 12-point leads on handling the public health impact of the coronavirus and issues involving race and ethnicity. In 2020, public anger over sluggish growth, corruption, and low-quality public services will keep the risk of political instability high. Should universities provide “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” for students? Should the federal government be allowed to negotiate drug prices for Medicare? Should drug traffickers receive the death penalty? Fewer than half say climate change (42%) or abortion (40%) will be very important factors in their decision (though majorities say these issues will be at least somewhat important to them). 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA Should drilling be allowed in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge? Should the U.S. continue NSA surveillance of its allies? Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun? Fact Tank | Oct 21, 2020. FAQs • Should the government prevent “mega mergers” of corporations that could potentially control a large percentage of market share within its industry? Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Should the federal government institute a mandatory buyback of assault weapons? Should undocumented immigrants be offered in-state tuition rates at public colleges within their residing state? Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples? Democrats 2020: What their key issues are. Should there be term limits set for members of Congress? Should states be allowed to display the Confederate flag on government property? On other issues, including immigration, gun policy, the federal budget deficit and law enforcement and criminal justice, neither party has a significant edge among voters. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax She entered the 2020 presidential race with promise and charisma, but is now sliding perilously close to irrelevance. Should prisons ban the use of solitary confinement for juveniles? Only 24% of Trump supporters view the coronavirus outbreak as a âvery importantâ voting issue. About • Should the US assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries? We need to make them our complete priority when focusing on Tax Reform come 2020 election. Should businesses be required to have women on their board of directors? Should the federal government require racial sensitivity training for employees? Should the military upgrade Air Force One? Roughly six-in-ten Trump supporters cite immigration (61%), gun policy (60%) and foreign policy (57%) as very important to their vote. Should the U.S. build a wall along the southern border? Should the electoral college be abolished? Should pension plans for federal, state, and local government workers be transitioned into privately managed accounts? Find the latest news, photos and videos from the 2020 United States presidential election. AP Top Political News at 10:13 p.m. EST. Should religious gatherings be banned in order to combat the COVID-19 pandemic? Do you support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Use the interactive table below to filter the rankings by location, and click on individual universities for more information. As the country continues to grapple with the coronavirus outbreak, 62% of voters say the outbreak will be a very important factor in their decision about who to support in the fall. The five opinion polls below show what issues Americans care about in the 2020 presidential ⦠Should the government raise the federal minimum wage? About The Author. Should the US increase or decrease foreign aid spending? Should Muslim immigrants be banned from entering the country until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists? Where Biden stands on the most important issues in 2020. The Issues. Do you support Common Core national standards? Should the minimum voting age be lowered? It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. The Top Issues for Voters in 2020. Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood? Should non-violent prisoners be released from jail in order to reduce overcrowding? A record number of candidates are running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Do you support a single-payer healthcare system? Search by candidate, issue or category. Should the federal government increase funding of health care for low income individuals (Medicaid)? Do you support a universal basic income program? Issues like climate change, digital disruption, and migration will act as threat multipliers in 2020, but a number of country specific threats will complicate the global chessboard as well. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in athletic events? Should the government add or increase tariffs on products imported into the country? Should the federal government require people to wear face masks in public during the COVID pandemic? About six-in-ten (59%) say violent crime will be very important to their 2020 decision, and 57% say this about foreign policy. Should health insurers be allowed to deny coverage to individuals who have a pre-existing condition? Should the Chinese government be able to extradite fugitives from Hong Kong? With the country in the midst of a recession, nearly eight-in-ten registered voters (79%) say the economy will be very important to them in making their decision about who to vote for in the 2020 presidential election – the top issue of 12 included in the survey. By contrast, the largest shares of Biden supporters view health care (84%) and the coronavirus outbreak (82%) as very important. Should the government be allowed to seize private property, with reasonable compensation, for public or civic use? Should the government raise the retirement age for Social Security? Should an in-state sales tax apply to online purchases of in-state buyers from out-of-state sellers? Should it be illegal to join a boycott of Israel? Would you favor an increased sales tax in order to reduce property taxes? Deadly wildfires including those affecting Australia, hurricanes, extreme weather events, and climate-influenced migration and hunger in many parts of the world are now regular occurrences. Should U.S. citizens be allowed to save or invest their money in offshore bank accounts? Should the U.S. expand offshore oil drilling? This EPRS publication seeks to offer insights and put into context ten key issues and policy areas that are likely to feature prominently on the political agenda of the European Union in 2020. Should the United States pull all military troops out of Afghanistan? Immigration and racial and ethnic inequality rank toward the lower end of the list for voters (52% each call these issues very important to their vote). Should the U.S. continue to support Israel? Should every 18 year old citizen be required to provide at least one year of military service? Should the President offer tax breaks to individual companies to keep jobs in the U.S.? Should political candidates be required to release their recent tax returns to the public? Should disposable products (such as plastic cups, plates, and cutlery) that contain less than 50% of biodegradable material be banned? Polls • Indeed, our entire ecosystem is at risk: 1 million animal an⦠Should the government increase or decrease military spending? In the current survey, 68% of voters say health care is very important to their vote, while 64% cite Supreme Court appointments. One big policy development to watch in 2020 is the "techlash" that has developed against some technology applications. The most comprehensive guide anywhere to the issues shaping the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. Should the government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases? Should convicted criminals have the right to vote? Should people on the “no-fly list” be banned from purchasing guns and ammunition? Candidate Login • Data & Insights • Should the government increase the tax rate on profits earned from the sale of stocks, bonds, and real estate? Lawmakers will decide whether to legalize online sports betting and whether to regulate betting machines that have proliferated in convenience stores in recent years. By contrast, the Democratic Party holds wide advantages among voters on climate change (58% to 27% over the GOP), abortion and contraception (51% to 36%) and health care (51% t0 37%). Should there be more or less privatization of veterans’ healthcare? Should the government attempt to influence foreign elections? Top 15 Defense Contractors in the World in 2020 11 Companies That Caught Lying To The Public, Deceived Customers 15 Least Racist States in the USA in 2020 8 Best Call Quality Smartphones in 2020 Should immigrants be required to learn English? For Trump supporters, the economy (88%) and violent crime (74%) are the most salient issues. In addition, Biden supporters are more than twice as likely than Trump supporters to say the coronavirus outbreak (82% of Biden supporters, 39% of Trump supporters) and economic inequality (65% of Biden supporters, 28% of Trump supporters) as very important. Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights? Should police officers be required to wear body cameras? This page describes the stances held by Democratic candidates in the 2020 United States presidential election on a variety of policy issues (e.g. Should the Supreme Court be reformed to include more seats and term limits on judges? Should the government pass laws which protect whistleblowers? Should there be fewer or more restrictions on current welfare benefits? Should the U.S. increase tariffs on imported products from China? Should employers be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job? President Donald Trump and Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden have taken vastly different positions on policy issues facing America. document.write('Contact'); • Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage? Should the U.S. continue to participate in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)? Should the government support a separation of church and state by removing references to God on money, federal buildings, and national monuments? Should the military be allowed to use enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, to gain information from suspected terrorists? Do you support increasing taxes for the rich in order to reduce interest rates for student loans? Published ... high approval ratings within the party and among political independents, a close connection to ⦠While there are substantial differences between Trump and Biden supporters on the importance of most issues, the widest gaps are on climate change (57 percentage points) and racial and ethnic inequality (52 points). Should local police increase surveillance and patrol of Muslim neighborhoods? Ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, and the very survival of island nations is being threatened. Should the U.S. withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement? Abortion opponents enter 2020 having enjoyed considerable legislative success. Should social media companies ban political advertising? Should the government break up Amazon, Facebook and Google? Candidates • Should the government acquire equity stakes in companies it bails out during a recession? Should a business be able to deny service to a customer if the request conflicts with the owner’s religious beliefs? ... Next Top 35 UK Political Blogs & Websites To Follow in 2020. Should cities open drug “safe havens” where people who are addicted to illegal drugs can use them under the supervision of medical professionals? iSideWith is not affiliated with any political party, candidate, or interest group. The QS World University Rankings by Subject are based upon academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact (click here to read the full methodology). A sizable majority also rates racial and ethnic inequality as important to their vote (76%). Should the military allow women to serve in combat roles? It has been Should internet service providers be allowed to speed up access to popular websites (that pay higher rates) at the expense of slowing down access to less popular websites (that pay lower rates)? Should the government stop construction of the Dakota Access pipeline? Larger shares of Trump than Biden supporters say violent crime (74% vs. 46%), immigration (61% vs. 46%) and gun policy (60% vs. 50%) are very important to their decision about who to vote for in 2020. Big {Political} Data. Stop helping all of the Company's of America and help the citizens of America for once! Do you support limiting police unions collective bargaining power for cases involving misconduct? Should immigrants be deported if they commit a serious crime? Should health insurance providers be required to offer free birth control? Should the U.S. sell military weapons to India in order to counter Chinese and Russian influence? A mysterious virus from China has terrified the country, killed perhaps 180,000 Americans, and is now weaponized as a political ⦠Terms. There are stark differences in how registered voters who support Donald Trump and Joe Biden view the importance of these issues. Among registered voters, the Republican Party holds a 9 percentage point edge over the Democrats on the issue of being better able to handle the economy (49% Republican Party, 40% Democratic Party). In fact, of 12 issues included, the only ones that comparable shares of Biden supporters and Trump supporters view as very important are foreign policy and Supreme Court appointments. Should immigrants be required to pass a citizenship test to demonstrate a basic understanding of our country’s language, history, and government? It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Should the state government order schools to provide online only classes in order to combat coronavirus? Should the President of the United States have the power to deploy military troops in order to stop protests? Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)? Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education? Should welfare recipients be tested for drugs? Should producers be required to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs)? Should the President be able to authorize military force against Al-Qaeda without Congressional approval? Fact Tank | Oct 20, 2020. Read headlines covering the presidential debates, results, and more. Should the government regulate the prices of life-saving drugs? Should the current estate tax rate be decreased? Should sanctuary cities receive federal funding? Should local law enforcement be allowed to detain illegal immigrants for minor crimes and transfer them to federal immigration authorities? January 10 On January 11, 2020, Russia announced that a ceasefire had been agreed to in the area of Idlib and Northwest Syria, between Russia, Syria, Syrian rebels and Turkey. 2020. Do you support qualified immunity for police officers? Only candidates still in the race during the 2020 Iowa caucuses are included. Should the redrawing of Congressional districts be controlled by an independent, non-partisan commission? Should a politician, who has been formerly convicted of a crime, be allowed to run for office? Should cities be allowed to offer private companies economic incentives to relocate? Supporters of Donald Trump and Joe Biden differ widely on the issues that are "very important" to their vote. Do you support affirmative action programs? Should the U.S. increase restrictions on its current border security policy? Should the military fly drones over foreign countries to gain intelligence and kill suspected terrorists? Top 15 Best Political Websites | August 2020. Should people be required to work in order to receive Medicaid? Wide Partisan Differences Over the Issues That Matter in 2014, Election 2020: Voters Are Highly Engaged, but Nearly Half Expect To Have Difficulties Voting, Race Tightens Again, Kerry’s Image Improves, Biden’s victory another example of how Electoral College wins are bigger than popular vote ones, Intent to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine Rises to 60% as Confidence in Research and Development Process Increases, 5 facts about the QAnon conspiracy theories, 2020 Presidential Preference Detailed Tables. Should the government issue vaccine passports? Do you believe labor unions help or hurt the economy? How Kamala Harris Went From âFemale Obamaâ to Fifth Place. In a survey asking a similar, though not identical, list of issues in June 2016, the economy also was the top voting issue. Should there be a limit to the amount of money a candidate can receive from a donor? Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change? While some threatened to hold up the vote, the Senate passed a one-week extension that gives Congress more time to ⦠Politics . Should victims of gun violence be allowed to sue firearms dealers and manufacturers? To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Larger shares of Trump than Biden supporters say violent crime (74% vs. 46%), immigration (61% vs. 46%) and gun policy (60% vs. 50%) are very important to their decision about who to vote for in 2020. Popular Political Issues. Should the government cancel production of the F-35 fighter? Employees during the birth of a child or sick family member is expected to be vaccinated for preventable diseases candidates. Foreign countries troops out of Afghanistan Websites to Follow in 2020 is the `` ''! Granted legal citizenship to end their lives via assisted suicide in combat roles for low income individuals ( )... 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