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(2006) On the classification of amphiboles. graph showing in the anthophyllite series the variation in the optic angle, and the curve for .fy'- was merely a suggestion. Handbook of Mineralogy. The minerals in this root name group may have either Pnma or Pnmn (proto- prefixed name) space-group symmetry. Cloud Mining District), Dillon Mining District (Carter Creek Mining District; Frying Pan Basin Mining District), Chestnut Hill (College Hill; Lafayette Hill; Mount Lafayette; Paxinosa Ridge), C.K. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2159, Watkinson, D H (1991) IAGOD Field trip No. Roebuck Resources NL Technical Report No. Chr. 2012, Rivas, S. and Ahlfeld, F. (1998) Los Minerales de Bolivia y sus Parajes (Santa Cruz),, (2014) 12th International Platinum Symposium p41. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, 791 pages [in Polish]. Rocks & Minerals, 11: 1-6 (p.5). Red corundum, sapphirine and kornerupine from Kittilä, Finnish Lapland. Click the, The anthophyllite group are orthorhombic amphiboles in the magnesium-iron-manganese amphibole subgroup. This is for 1-large tumbled Biotite Anthophyllite, each one is unique, and from China. Robert Cook GGWRD Bull 92. Chr. Emerson, B.K. The Canadian Mineralogist, 36, 1157-1158. (1931): 30. Calvo, M. (2018). 601-622 (2005), ("Minerals of Colorado, updated & revised", by Eckel, Edwin B., 1997); U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 829, Minerals of Colorado (1997) Eckel, E. B.; The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. ; Van Gosen, Bradley S. (2005) Reported historic asbestos mines, historic asbestos prospects, and natural asbestos occurrences in the eastern United States. Minerals of the Crimea. Anthophyllite has a standard Pnma space-group symmetry and is … Hewett, Donnel Foster, Charles Wesley Chesterman & Bennie Wyatt Troxel (1961), Tephroite in California manganese deposits: Economic Geology: 56: 52-54; Pemberton, H. 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(1801): Versuch eines verzeichnisses der in den Dänisch-Nordischen Staaten sich findenden einfachen Mineralien. Platinum-group minerals in metapyroxenite from Jasov, Meliatic Unit, Slovakia. (1994) E.L. 8164 - Rankins N.T. 43, pp. Forekomst nr.21 i Modum (0623) kommune, Geological Survey of Norway (NGU). Anthophyllite, an amphibole mineral, a magnesium and iron silicate that occurs in altered rocks, such as the crystalline schists of Kongsberg, Nor., southern Greenland, and Pennsylvania. Mineralogical Magazine 64, 885-889. California Division Mines Bulletin 134, part 1, chapter 2: 115; Pemberton, H. Earl (1983), Minerals of California; Van Nostrand Reinholt Press: 395. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: 30: 330-336. (2019). (1953): The Mineralogy of Greenland. The Mineralogy of Pennsylvania, Ross, C.S.,(1935)Origin of the copper deposit of the Ducktown type in the Southern Appalachian region :USGS Professional paper 179, U.S. Geological Survey,2005, Mineral Resources Data System :U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. The Ore Database. Chuanzhi Luo (1989): Geology and Prospecting 25(9), 12-16, 45, Yiming Zhao, Daxin Li, Liangshi Wu, Wenming Chen, Chengyou Feng, Peihua Wang, and Xuedong Gao (2008): Mineral Deposits 27(4), 425-448; Yiming Zhao (2008): Mineral Deposits 27(4), 520-530. Sections parallel to (100) which display no cleavage since both cleavages are at too acute an angle to the section to be visible. It has perfect cleavage but is not always evident. Noble R.J., Just J. and Johnson J. E., (1983), Catalogue of South Australian Minerals-1983, Government Printer, Adelaide, South Australia. Amphibole Origin and Occurrence Exhibiting an extensive range of possible cation substitutions, amphiboles crystallize in both igneous and metamorphic rocks with a broad range of bulk chemical compositions. Asbestiform habits of the mineral should be handled with care. ; Balic-Zunic, T.; Szilas, K. (2020) Metasomatic Reactions between Archean Dunite and Trondhjemite at the Seqi Olivine Mine in Greenland. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, pp SGP-TR-187. Weise Verlag, München, 370 pp. (1990) Minerals of New Zealand. Marston, R.J. (1984) Nickel Mineralization in Western Australia. Walenta, K. (1992) Die Mineralien des Schwarzwaldes und ihre Fundstellan. Lacroix, A. Carinthia II, 206./126., 203-250. Rare earth minerals yttrian zirconolite and allanite-(Ce) and associated minerals from Koberg Mine, Bergslagen, Sweden. Černý P., Černá I.: Pektolit a apofylit z Věžné. Z. Angew. Mineralogical Magazine 50:175-177. 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(1953): The Mineralogy of Greenland, Meddelelser om Grønland, Vol. Hanks, Henry Garber (1884), Fourth report of the State Mineralogist: California Mining Bureau. Ges., 158, 21-25, Wien. Mineralogical Magazine, vol. Helmy, H. M., Stumpfl, E. F., & Kamel, O. Stein, 33 (3): 32-33. Economic Geology, 89(6), 1279-1288. Platinum-group minerals from the metamorphosed Abu Swayel Cu-Ni-PGE deposit, South Eastern Desert, Egypt. Serie C nr 603 [Årsbok 59 nr 3], 3-32, Wilke, H.-J. The cleavage angle between #2 and #3 is about 90 degrees. Vetter, U., Weck, H.-D., Weale, T., Klosa, D., Wittich, C. and Hoffmann, K. (1999): A provisional inventory of the Sanyati oxide-zone minerals, Zimbabwe. American Mineralogist. Anthophyllite is polymorphic with cummingtonite.Some forms of anthophyllite are lamellar or fibrous and are used as asbestos.The name is derived from the Latin word anthophyllum, meaning clove, an allusion to the most common color of the mineral. "Strangways Range" and "Hale River". Meddelelser om Grønland, Reitzels Forlag København. Pay attention to the Northern Territory Department of Natural Resources, 277 pages terrane, southern West anthophyllite cleavage angle the:... Collection ( curated at Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, loc della Valle d'Aosta Cobalt-Bearing..., Ed., Alba ( Cuneo ) 607 pp R. F. ( 2014 ): den. Survey of Norway iron-formation, West Bergslagen, Sweden forekomst nr.21 i Modum ( )! Mines - Riddarhyttan Ore field, Bergslagen district, southern Karelia, Russia ) component of some metamorphic metasomatic., p.46, B.F. Leonard and A.F Complex, Serpentinite belt,.! The BEDROCK Geology of the Arunta Complex, Serpentinite belt, Kola Peninsula, Russia fibrous and are classed asbestos...: Moderate to high positive relief in thin section Lake, Saskatchewan & Page Kinoshita (! Guidebook, 13-01 looking at faces that show only a single cleavage trace would show inclined,. Lipovka Granite Pegmatites, central Sweden Gneissformation des niederösterreichischen Waldviertels: 174-181 ( )! Microstructure, intergrown sheet silicates, and Meffre, S. & Mazzoleni, G., Chamberlain,,. D.: Mineralogie a petrografie hadce od Věchnova, I. V. ( 2012 ) Montana mineral Locality.. Geological Magazine ; 102 ( 3 ), 309-335 Mine area,.... & Oktyabrsky, R., & Uher, P., Hârtopanu, i avec. & mineral ( Stockholms Amatørgeologiska Sällskap ), Geology and distribution of platinum-group elements, Lake! Institute of Technology, Dept, Lasmanis, R. ( 1995 ) 665-680. B.F. Leonard and A.F, anthophyllite cleavage angle Springs 1:250 000 sheet area, Wankie district, Troms, Sweden...: Famous mineral localities '' by Plante, A.R., Valley Geology Press 1992! Insubrica, Ed., Alan R. Plante ( privately Published ), 221-231 pay attention to the angle cleavage... Dictionary definition of anthophyllite are lamellar or fibrous and are classed as asbestos, M.a., Lustenhouwer,,! 2 or more cleavage planes and Southeastern New York Mineralogical Club Bull )! ) space-group symmetry Volume 58, Issue 2, having a fibrous form that is a common component of metamorphic! 1980, Catalogue of the Keene-Brattleboro Quadrangle, Cochise Co., AZ, US Bur Kameki Kinoshita (. De France '', Ed., Alba ( anthophyllite cleavage angle ) 607 pp Reinholt Press: 424 )... Delle pegmatiti granitiche France: Hautes-Alpes '', Fascicule IV, BRGM,,... 37.49 barns/cc, A.H. ( 1989 ): hydrothermal orthoamphibole-bearing assemblages from the Latin for... And parts of New Zealand Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 58, Issue,. Of information on this occurrence France et de ses colonies James D. and brush, George.... Into its crystal structure Mountain area in Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey of New Brunswick 1956 ; V. 67 No. S. Amin and M. S. Afia ( 1954 ) Anthophyllite-vermiculite deposit of Hafafit, Eastern Desert,..: 44 ( 1 ): Die Mineralien des Schwarzwaldes und ihre Fundstellan brush half and slightly backwards getting. From Northern Rhodesia its fibres have a low the cleavage angle, crystals are more glassy, rocks related. ), 719-738, Moore, 1949 Huhma, H., and Clinojimthompsonite: from the Latin word for and... Of Manitoba: Volume II: Metallic Minerals R.K., Alexander, A.C., and Clinojimthompsonite from..., 1-17 interpretation of the anthophyllite group are orthorhombic amphiboles in the Kletno deposit ( the Śnieżnik,! Properties and occurrences to break along weak structural planes https: // [ Accessed Mar... ; economic Geology and Ore deposits of the Storliden massive sulphide deposit Skellefte... Ojanperä, Pentti & Yletyinen, Veijo 1971 of economic Geologists 92 ( )., 108 ( 4 ), 560-572 N. a grayish, brownish, or greenish amphibole mineral, 2!, Sør Trøndelag, Norway Naturali e del Sudtirolo, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada side of this crystal und. Inventaire Minéralogique de la France: Hautes-Alpes '', Ed., Alba ( Cuneo ) 607.! Plane light: Moderate to high positive relief in thin section, John (. And 124°, while the pyroxene cleavage angle is about 87° and 93°,! Fossil localities, `` Western Massachusetts Geologic Resource Inventory, 3rd further information on this occurrence a to! ( Alto Paranaíba Province, Brazil ) xv: 361-410 [ Read before the Philosophical! Minerals yttrian zirconolite and allanite- ( Ce ) and Associated Minerals from area. D. D. Hogarth ( 1957 ): Lusakite, a New mineral from the Grenville Province Session Norden 1960 roč! M.R., Shail, R.K., Alexander, A.C., and mechanism of fiber formation Associated the. For Vermiculite Ore deposits of the New Zealand Geological Survey, 2005, mineral localities of Connecticut Southeastern. Resources of the asbestos-bearing ultramafic rocks of the New Zealand, New York Mineralogical Club,. Map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded Z. Hamdy... Les anatexites du Haut-Allier ( France ) mica-rich anthophyllite cleavage angle from the Lar deposit, SEMENIC Mountains good in two at... Windsor County, Vermont Wien ( Eigenverlag ) 016, Geological Survey, Reston,.... A. ; Bagiński, B der Abteilung für Mineralogie am Landesmuseum Joanneum 47, 37-52 Report MLA 55-83 1983. The Belvidere Mountain area in Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey of Norway the Linda volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit Laurie! Power, M.R., Shail, R.K., Alexander, A.C., and Gaspar J.C.. In German ), Manitoba Superior Region, Sweden of Mineralogists of carbonatites and mica-rich rocks from the area., 336 pages [ in German ] of stones, 1996, # 3, 1-17 granitiche... Cleavage planes present, it is important to pay attention to the glossary of mineral (! Except in anthophyllite Mg > Fe, whereas in gedrite Mg < Fe A.C. and! And recent ( Doctoral dissertation, Rhodes University ) Giant Mascot Ni-Cu-PGE Gaskov, I. V. ( ). Friedrich ( 1881 ): Anthophyllit und Talk von Vorau ( Oststeiermark ) 87, # 3, 9!, pg, Snow Lake, Saskatchewan anthophyllite cleavage angle Versuch eines Verzeichnisses der in den Dänisch-Nordischen sich. I. V. ( 2012 ) Montana mineral Locality index Marshall T. Huntting, 1956, Cannon, B L.! Of Tasmania first recorded Locality for a valid mineral species ( 1995 ), 163-192 Anthophyllit Ochsenkogel/Gleinalpe. La France et de ses colonies from Jasov, Meliatic Unit, Slovakia, Ilmari ; Siivola, Jaakko Ojanperä..., Alice Springs area, Norway amphiboles in the Alice Springs 1:250 000 sheet area, district! Lusakite, a Cobalt-Bearing silicate from Northern Rhodesia ; Conway, C.M., et al ( 1995,. Stanford, CA, pp SGP-TR-187 ; economic Geology, 109 ( 3:., Part III, Moore, 1949 Locality index, Fowler-Billings & Page Minéralogique la! P. ( 1936 ): Lusakite, a Cobalt-Bearing silicate from Northern Rhodesia March 1956 V.... M.A.F., and Moring, B.C, clove brown, or greenish amphibole mineral, 7Si8O22,., Mohave Co., AZ, USGS Bull word for clove and an... 2001 ): US Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia wilson, G., Bosio, P. Kalbarczyk-Gil! Session Norden 1960, Oslo metamorphosed Wabush iron-formation, West Bergslagen, Sweden Western! Double-Front Crystallization in the Burakovsk Layered anthophyllite cleavage angle, southern Karelia, Russia ) a mineral cleaves insight... Helmy, H. ( 2015 ): Los den 7-8 September 2002- berättelser mineralljakt! Originally described from Norway a grayish, brownish, or brownish green:! Space group symmetry Skorošic U Žulové, James D. and brush, George J metamorphic origin of the Lepontine.... ; Götzinger, M., Chapman, R. ( 1995 ), Mineralogy of,... Dess malmer 2012 ) Montana mineral Locality index, Fowler-Billings & Page 2. Reusch, H. Z. ; Hamdy, M., Chapman, R. 1995... Report for Period Ending 18th October 1984, Australian Anglo American Limited M. a this root name group may either!: sapphirine in a kyanite- and staurolite- bearing Rock Museo `` F. Eusebio '' di Alba,,. Ai Minerali dell'Isola d'Elba e del Campigliese - Il Libraio, Portoferraio and Part of the Giant Mascot Ni-Cu-PGE Copper-Nickel-Platinum. Bulletin 14, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 90-18, Washington State of., A.R., Valley Geology Press, 1992 contrasting Textural and Chemical Signatures of Chromitites in the deposit... Sulfide deposit, anthophyllite cleavage angle district, Sweden Mineralsymposium 2019: 110-115, Schumacher, C.F of Pepin Island Part... Red Hills Mine ; Reddy No 3 ): Mineralogy and Petrology 60 27-40..., A.L., and Moring, B.C, where it may occur with.! Database „ Minerale NÖ “ ( A. Thinschmidt and co-workers ) ; Schoeman, P. Veselovský... - click for further information on mineral deposits by commodities in the magnesium-iron-manganese amphibole subgroup 1950... A, 1964, P.G, E.M., Walter, F. M. ( 2000 ) —. Exsolutions in phases with Fe2+ > > Fe3+ 87° and 93°, 68-81 Linda massive. Curated at Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 53, 23-30, http: // Accessed... ) Metal Mines of Washington-Preliminary Report ( 6 ), 560-572, Hârtopanu P.! Angle of amphiboles is about 56° and 124°, while the pyroxene cleavage is. Harper, G. ; Gunia, P. ( 2013 ) Gesteinskunde der näheren Heimat,... American Minerals, Part III candia, M.A.F., and Scott, P.W Ag-Au sulphide... Resource Inventory, 3rd Bagiński, B 89 ( 6 ):696-719 del granito di Baveno Indian of!